Thursday, February 10, 2011

This is my style, this is it!!!! this is really iz it....

beautiful in my eyes

This is my favorite song. Especially when my husband sing's it for me.

my video in tulay training

This is my video in my Microsoft training at OWWA. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

my life being a wife

When my husband is coming for his vacation,we are very excited, me and my kids.We are counting weeks.... days....  time... and  seconds till hes home.We never forget to give thanks and praise to our Father God for the all times He guided us. I always make sure to initiate all fun activities with the family.I want my hubby to enjoy his time with us.I take care of him in a way he wanted me to because usually after 3months of spending time with us is the hardest thing to adjust,when he gets back to work abroad. We really miss each other,and would wait for several months to meet again.

welcome friends

Hello everyone....have a good day, welcome to my site. Enjoy asking advices in me.You can inquire me in parenting, housekeeping, &techniques.